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Download / Links
This page contains MUD relevant software and other stuff and links to it.
Note: Please keep in mind we cannot give support for the software
mentioned below! Thank you :-)
MUD clients:
A comparison of MUD clients and a small list of MUD clients in (mostly) ABC
order (see also Connect)
and where to get them.
Generally speaking, a MUD client is more powerful and userfriendly than a raw
connection via 'telnet': At the least, "command-line-editing" and
a "command history" of previous commands to correct typos.
- Comparison/List
of MUD clients on
Wikipedia (EN).
- Homepage Fado:
A free MUD client for Android devices available via
Google Play
- Homepage Mudlet
(project page):
A free MUD client for Windows, Mac OS X, Unix-like systems
(ready to use and/or source code1,
- Homepage MUDRammer:
A free MUD client for iPhone and iPad available on the
- Homepage MUSHclient:
A MUD client for Windows (ready to use, without SSL/TLS-support).
There is a short guide
to configure MUSHclient in our
"How to start" (or as PDF
Nemesis-HowTo.pdf in
our Publications above).
- Homepage(?)
PowWow (or
A MUD client for Unix-like systems (and Windows?)
(source code1, without
See also above at "Downloads".
- Homepage TinTin++:
A MUD client for Unix-like systems including Mac OS X
(source code1,
supported) and for Windows as WinTin++ (ready to use, SSL/TLS-support
- Homepage
TinyFugue, aka tf or tf5:
A MUD client for Unix-like systems and Windows (source
code1, with
See also above at "Downloads" for
a small example configuration for TinyFugue.
- Homepage
The well-known Telnet/SSH client for Windows that can be used as
MUD client, too. But without "command-line-editing" and
without "command history" of previously entered commands.
- BROKEN(?):
Homepage BlowTorch:
A free MUD client for Android devices NO LONGER available via
Google Play (project broken?, without SSL/TLS-support).
- BROKEN(?): Homepage GGMud (currently broken:
(project page):
A MUD client for Unix-like systems including Mac OS X and for Windows
(project broken?, source code1, no
- BROKEN(?): Homepage Mukluk (facebook) (currently broken:
A free MUD client for Android devices NO LONGER available via
Google Play (project broken?, without
If you would prefer an encrypted and secured connection to Nemesis,
but your preferred MUD client does not support
you may think about tunneling and securing your sessions via
See also: Alternatives & options about SSL/TLS
in the Connect section.
1) source code: You only get the program code and you
have to compile it yourself. This is recommended for experienced users only.
For some Unix-like operating systems there might
be a ported and/or also compiled and ready-to-use package of this client:
Have a look at the website etc. of your operating system/distribution.
Nemesis in the (Online-)Press and on other websites.
Some links where Nemesis is mentioned on other sites:
- "Nemesis
Mud" (Bring life back to MUDs
- BLBTM on facebook, June 26th 2017):
BLBTM listed Nemesis as one of the first MUDs after contacting
Snake on facebook.
- "VCFe 18.0"
(Wolfgang Stief on
Flickr, May 2017):
A picture gallery from the VCFe 18.0 in
There is a
nice photo of Metall's
Libretto showing
a Nemesis login screen.
- "Nemesis
- ein typisches MUD im Deutschland der Neunziger"
Yesterchips" YouTube channel, October 16th 2018, German, English: "Nemesis - a typical
MUD in Germany in the 1990s"):
A video (unfortunately incomplete recording) of the wizard
Metall's talk
- ein typisches MUD im Deutschland der Neunziger" (PDF, German only)
given at the
6.0 at the Hochschule Augsburg
(University of Applied Sciences Augsburg)
in Augsburg, Germany, on November 21st 2015 - see also
The video was posted previously (March 26th 2017)
by BaGgAcFrEaK on YouTube, but got removed there later ...
- "Nemesis ist
auch vertreten" (Angstroem's
post in the heise online forum, April
27th 2016, German, English: "Nemesis is present, too"):
A post in the heise online forum
referring to the article
Computer Festival Europa - Ein Wochenende unter Nerds, zum
Mitspielen" (Detlef Borchers on heise
online, April 27th 2016, German, English: "VCFe - A Weekend between
Nerds and Playing Along") announcing VCFe
- "Nemesis -
ein altes MUD"
(Karulinkun/KarlE on
animexx, May 26th 2015, German, English:
"Nemesis - an old MUD"):
A description about MUDs and a how-to about playing Nemesis.
- "VCFE 16-0
in München 01 - 03-05-2015" - currently not available
Schwanter on
Forum, May 15th 2015):
A picture gallery from the VCFe.
- "Vintage
Computer Festival: Von Disketten und Datenklos"
Zierer on Bayerischer Rundfunk / BR in
their youth programme
May 5th 2015, English: "VCF: About Diskettes and
A picture gallery from the VCFe 16.0.
Metall says: "This is
original DEC VT220!"
Addendum: Datenklo?
- "VCFE 16.0"
(Wolfgang Stief on
Flickr, May 2nd 2015):
A picture gallery from the VCFe 16.0 in
- "Vintage
Computer Festival Europa 16.0"
(Elliot Williams on Hackaday.com, May 2nd
A report from the VCFe - very cool section
about Nemesis :-)
Kiri says: "Yes, VERY GOOD
article - especially as
GSG15 terminal is mentioned ;-)"
- "Vintage
Computer Festival: Computern ohne Trinkbecherhalter"
(Detlef Borchers on heise online, April 26th
2015, German, English: "VCF: Computing without Cupholder"):
An announcement of the VCFe 16.0 - also about
- "MUDs - faszinierende
virtuelle Welten" (Maja Coradi on
Sociology in Switzerland, 1997, German,
English: "MUDs - Fascinating Virtual Realms"):
A sociological paper about the image cultivation in MUDs compared to it in
Nemesis is mentioned by quoting the thesis
"Cultural Formations in
Text-Based Virtual Realities" of
Elizabeth M. Reid Steere (see below).
- "Zauberreich
aus Bits und Bytes"
Manfred Dworschak in
DIE ZEIT, October 7th 1994, German, English:
"A Magic Realm made of Bits and Bytes"):
A newspaper article about Nemesis when it was closed in 1994 at the
TUM and about MUDs in general.
An ASCII-version (also German) of
the article from the NetNews
in the newsgroup de.alt.mud.
From Aldebaran:
A commented English translation of the article from DIE
- "Cultural Formations in
Text-Based Virtual Realities"
(Elizabeth M. Reid Steere, January
A masters thesis on MUDs etc. Elizabeth M.
Reid Steere refers to Nemesis in the chapter
Making Sense of Each
Other and quotes Junky's
post "Verbs and
adverbs top list" (Junky in the
NetNews in the newsgroup
rec.games.mud.misc, November 6th 1993).
Her masters thesis as
Some of our domains (organized building areas) have their own homepages on this web site:
Also some wizards have pages here on this web server:
Misc links:
Some external links related to Nemesis and this web site etc.:
Imprint / Impressum