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Upcoming Event:
sometime 2021 2022 2023
late 2024 ... or 2025:
Over 30 years of Nemesis and
almost 10 years after the restart!
We are planning thinking about a Birthday Celebration in
RL, though due to the
current previous pandemic situation later in 2021 in this 30th
year ... or 2022 - 31 years ... or 2023 ... or - now late -
2024 (30th anniversary of the shutdown in
1994 at the Technische Universität
München (Technical University of Munich, TUM)) or 2025 (10 years after the rebirth of
Nemesis in 2015): Nemesians in and around
Munich would then meet in a place in RL, Nemesians too far away would be most
welcome to join in virtually - not only into the wonderful
ASCII-world of Nemesis but also via digital
conference (sound and/or vision). We will keep you informed on the details.
In the meantime - keep on playing and coding!
Some archaeological bits can be found here in
the History section.
October 5th 2022:
Our negotiations with a newly established wholesale company were a
success. Now supply difficulties in all of your favourite shops are a
thing of the past. A game-changing new magical distribution system
ensures an augmented assortment of goods in shops all over Nemesis!
January 18th 2021:
Need a party location under pandemic conditions?
Meet your friends (and friends-to-be) in the virus-safe
world of Nemesis! Eat, drink, talk, hug,
kiss and run around limitlessly without masks, handwashing, distancing,
virus-testing and worries.
Contact us, e.g. send us an e-mail to
[at] nemesis.de
and we can provide your character with some
drinks und stuff for your party. For free of course, as you know we run
Nemesis for the fun of it. Wizards are welcome to join us coding.
January 2021:
30 years of Nemesis! - For our plans and details for Birthday
Celebrations see here.
Some archaeological bits can be found here in
the History section.
May 2nd 2020:
Are you one of those Nemesians connecting to Nemesis just to have a look
at your magic scroll of adventurers currently logged in
('who')? Then
realizing that there are only eight players connected, but they are all
idle in this very moment? So you disconnect
or even log out again only
after half a minute? And repeat the procedure after a week or so?
You know what? - You are not the only one! But you will keep missing
each other, if you do not take your time sending a
tell (and may be even
a 'ping' - people are often not really far
these days...) to someone
listed in the magic scroll or walking around a bit and testing new
Or you enter the world of Nemesis at special
times, e.g. Fridays
beginning at 20:00h CEST, when a whole bunch of "chaotic" adventurers
from Switzerland (and other places) invades Nemesis in order to explore,
quest and have fun. And there is even the possibility of audio
communication via
Jitsi Meet -
mainly (Swiss) German.
See also:
May 1st - May 3rd 2020:
No - this year Nemesis is not being presented at the
Vintage Computer Festival Europa 21.0 (VCFe)
in Munich, Germany, as it has been cancelled due to the current pandemic
But... some magic sources told us that there are works going on for a
VCFe at a later date and in a different way of existence... Might be
thrilling - we will keep you informed!
See also: https://sofa.vcfe.org/.
April 20th 2020, sometime after 0:00h CEST:
The In-game Event: Easter Bunny Invasion
including Egg Hunt is over!
It had been started on April 12th 2020, aka Easter Sunday. And here are
the results:
Prof. van Easten shows her list of top egg hunters to you:
\ \
| List of top egg hunters Mon Apr 20 00:10:00 2020: |
| Name Eggs Extra gain (experience) |
| 1: Ral 570 2000 |
| 2: Sorak 444 - |
| 3: Mup 276 1500 |
| 4: Venty 126 1000 |
| 5: Rueby 122 - |
| 6: Krachgup 113 - |
| 7: Angus 46 - |
| 8: Waffelpate 36 - |
| 9: Yalkor 30 - |
| 10: Okay 23 - |
| 11: Heiner 22 - |
| 12: Nashkhanel 17 - |
| 13: Kalkanius 14 - |
| 14: Oaf 2 - |
_____|__________________________________________________ |
/ / _ \|
( (((@)))
Some egg-lists might still be found for a while, whereas the sign in
Bunny Bay will remain - by the way a nice place for a trip, still under
construction and far off scheduled shipping. ;-)
For further information on the Easter Bunny Invasion see:
'help egg-hunt'.
May 1st 2019:
All newly created characters born during the VCFe have
been transferred to the "real" world of Nemesis. We are happy to meet
you there!
Furthermore the invasion of bunnies is over at last,
everybody survived and had fun searching and eating (or selling) eggs.
The experience points resulting from the
combined egg hunter lists of "real" and VCFe-Nemesis have been
added to your score.
April 27th - April 28th 2019:
Nemesis was presented again this year at the
Vintage Computer Festival Europa 20.0
(VCFe) in Munich, Germany! It took place from April
27th to April 28th 2019 at the
Trudering (arts centre in Trudering, a city district of Munich),
where it already had been two years ago.
The egg hunt -
see note directly below - was
prolonged for the VCFe!
April 21st 2019, aka Easter Sunday, sometime after 0:00h CEST:
In-game Event: Easter Bunny Invasion
including Egg Hunt!
Almost unperceived another invasion of bunnies had
taken place and was going on for an even longer time than usually (one of
the bunnies had told us - see note above).
As in former times
South Nemesia and Planeland were affected by these
mysteriously behaving little beings.
Prof. Bonny van Easten, head of the Department of Biology, University of
Skara Brae, used to research on this matter for a very long time. Being
frustrated with her results she recently took a sabbatical leave in
order to quiet her mind and do anything completely different. So, the
encounter with Prof. Seldom Pooper, Astrophysicist, put a bug in Bonny's
ear and they teamed up working on a multidisciplinary treatise. The
thesis is still a secret though. We will keep you informed as soon as we
know more...
For further information on the Easter Bunny Invasion see:
'help egg-hunt' and
here, here or
No surprise: the command 'search' is important for the egg hunt! See
'help search' and also
here about 'search'.
March 16th 2019:
A party of wizards - young and old, very experienced coders to bloody
newbies, Gods, Arch Wizards, Domain Lords and ordinary low level wizards
- gathered in Real Life in Munich, Germany and had much fun discussing
old construction sites, developing new ideas for Nemesis, and coding
together. We plan to do this on a regular basis from now on! Stay tuned
for dates via our newsletter - you are also welcome to join in virtually!
February 5th 2019:
We have a new version of the Nemesis GameDriver (abbr. GD, the
"WorldSimulator", the game engine) running:
Wastl has fixed some bugs, such as
the internal string processing/housekeeping and the
(s)printf and implemented a new feature:
inheritance supporting
May 3rd 2018:
New adventurers/players from the
Vintage Computer Festival Europa 19.0 (VCFe)
added to the real Nemesis.
April 28th - April 29th 2018:
Nemesis was presented at the
Vintage Computer Festival Europa 19.0 (VCFe)
in Munich, Germany!
This year's location was a very special place: the
Leibniz Rechenzentrum (Leibniz Supercomputing
Centre, LRZ) at the campus of the TU
München (Technical University of Munich, TUM) in Garching near Munich!
The LRZ is a very special site - for many reasons:
- First of all it was a kind of "returning home" for Nemesis
- see also our History section, particularly
here ;-)
- Prof Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller, the chairman of the board of directors
of the LRZ,
delivered a lecture about the history of the LRZ.
- The LRZ offered guided tours (with Mr Rainer Oesmann and Prof
Kranzlmüller) through the sacred halls: a visit of
SuperMUC, the
supercomputers (yes, 2!) of the LRZ. Really ingenious is the system of
WARM water cooling! At first it sounds crazy but it is really cool! ;-)
- A former supercomputer of the LRZ also returned home:
the "small"
Cray Y-MP EL, once
in possession of the LRZ, was on display.
- The
(a parabolic slide - 13 metres / over 42 feet high!) next door in the building
of the Department of Informatics
and Department of
Mathematics of the TUM was accessible ;-) The Parabelrutsche is always
fun :-D
- ...
And here some specials at the Nemesis booth:
- Nemesis showed more ancient IT at the VCFe - not only the
ancient DECstation 5000/200 and some old terminals,
laptops, etc. One Nemesis terminal was connected via an analogue
point-to-point connection (pseudo leased line, German: Pseudo-Standleitung)
driven by two modems. Here the modems extended a serial connection for a
terminal session. In the very early days of the Internet, connections like this
were also used to connect remote hosts some kilometres away to the Net using
or PPP.
- And the VCFe entity of Nemesis on the
ancient DECstation 5000/200 was accessible during
the opening hours from the Internet! Some players and wizards visited us
virtually via the Nemesis VCFe Web Client (an adapted version of the
Nemesis Web Client>) or simply using
telnet://mud.nemesis.de:2018/ (or MUD
- Nemesis again hosted a tournament: the two adventurers who gained
the most experience points (XPs) there
won a real Nemesis T-shirt each!
The final results are listed in the Nemesis Information
Centre east from the village church in Nemesis Village.
Addendum: The results have been published some days after the VCFe.
All in all we, the VCFe Nemesis Team, want to thank Prof Dr. Dieter
Kranzlmüller and his team at the LRZ, especially Mrs Helga Tyroller and
Mr Rainer Oesmann, as well as Mr
Hans Franke, the Master of VCFe.
April 8th 2018, sometime after 0:00h CEST:
The bunnies carrying baskets disappeared ... just
like they had invaded Nemesis Village a week ago: out of thin air!
The final results of the egg hunt are
published on lists of top egg hunters available in some harbours (for about
one month) and on the sign in Bunny Bay (longer-term).
Perhaps there are some eggs left ... somewhere ... ;-)
April 7th 2018:
Today Nemesis has neither been restarted nor has it crashed for 200 days:
-> The village church.
Exits: south and east.
> look at clock
The clock shows 200 days 6 hours 41 minutes 42 seconds.
Or the shortcut for wizards:
Nemesis> uptime
The clock shows 200 days 6 hours 44 minutes 2 seconds.
Nemesis is up since Tue Sep 19 10:38:38 2017.
Time since reset is 555 seconds.
Reset cycle: 3603.
April 1st 2018, aka Easter Sunday, sometime after 0:00h CEST:
In-game Event: Easter
Bunny Invasion including Egg Hunt!
Again 8 Nemesian years of scientific research but
Prof. Bonny van Easten, head of the Department of Biology, University of
Skara Brae, has absolutely no idea what's going on.
Her approach for multidisciplinarity has been
of little avail.
For further information see: 'help egg-hunt'
and here or here.
No surprise: the command 'search' is important for the egg hunt!
See 'help search' and also
here about 'search'.
November 6th 2017:
Gosh! The banking regulatory authority was fast! Or had some lobbyists
a finger in the pie? Next press conference - next bank! The press
conference took place in the old fish cannery in Penguin's Point. An
unknown investor took over the cannery and now the first branch of the
Viking Bank opened there. Mrs Pecunia Olentia, chairwoman of the
Viking Bank Inc., explained that she is very happy that now the Viking Bank
can offer much better conditions to the adventurers than their
competitor, that Nemesian ... - institution.
And for sure, she added, some branches will follow in metropolitan areas.
By the way the next post office started - also in the former fish cannery in
Penguin's Point - and as advertised.
November 4th 2017:
Perhaps you remember: in the run-up to the very precisely
forecasted earthquake in Whispering Bird 1413
(or perhaps you prefer
July 2015) the Nemesis Press Agency (npa) published a
press report based on scientific
findings of members of the Nemesian Geological Association (NGA)
and other scientists. Then it also was being rumoured that the bank in
Nemesis Village at last will open business quite soon.
Well, Howling Wolf 1429 (or
IRL: November 2017)
is not "quite soon" but finally the banking regulatory authority
at the Nemesian Central Bank (NCB)
gave the first bank the nod. At the First Bank of Nemesia in Nemesis
Village now you can open accounts and pay in your cash money there!
Mrs Meny Moneylumps, member of the board of the First Bank of Nemesia PLC,
declared at the press conference: "We know that adventurers have very
special requirements to deposit their hard cash. So we make every adventuress
and every adventurer a favourable offer!" Later she announced that the
First Bank of Nemesia (short: First Nemesian) plans to start some
branches - preferentially in metropolitan areas.
Industry circles say that there is at least one further financial institution
at the ready. We will see ... we assume the Nemesian Central Bank is still
examining that bank.
November 3rd 2017:
Today the first post office on Bhalabu (see the map of
the known world) opened its doors. It's in the town hall of Rafau in
Castle Street. Just check the lists hung up in every post office.
The postmaster points at the sign:
| |
| List of reachable/known Post Offices: |
| ------------------------------------------------- |
| Bhalabu ......... Rafau, Castle Street, Town Hall |
| Malrigor .. Wastelands, Rotting Hill, Rotten Road |
| Nemesia ............. Nemesis Village, South Road |
| Nemesia ............... Skara Brae, Hawk Scabbard |
| Norstroe ............ Norstroe Harbour, Main Road |
| Planeland .......................... near Harbour |
| Underworld ............. Elek'Kinura, Fire Street |
| Iceland ....(planned)............ Penguin's Point |
| Iceland ....(planned)..................... Tarsis |
| |
Some months ago the first post office started on Malrigor in Rotting Hill
(Wastelands) - also the post office there is actually a heap of rubbish ...
As already listed above, two further post offices are preparing to start
See also: worldwide postal services and
really worldwide services.
Addendum: A few days later the next post office - a
branch of the Royal Viking Mail - opened business in the old fish cannery
in Penguin's Point.
October 24th 2017:
In order to stabilize network connections to Nemesis
Kiri added the
"keepalive feature". Especially
if you lose your connection while doing nothing (being idle), this might be
very useful: after having enabled this feature, Nemesis will send a
few bytes to you every few minutes. Check the corresponding help pages:
'help keepalive' &
'help set'.
October 11th 2017:
The already improved
virtualised Nemesis T-shirts got
enhanced again! Check it out while you wear it:
-> The Nemesis Info Centre.
Exits: north, west, south, up and down.
A colourful magazine.
The information board.
A pile of Nemesis T-shirts.
A map of Nemesis Village.
A map of the known world.
> look at pile
It's a huge pile of Nemesis T-shirts.
Perhaps you can take one from the pile.
The pile contains:
Oodles of Nemesis T-shirts.
> take shirt from pile
You take the Nemesis T-shirt from the pile.
> wear shirt
You wear a black and green Nemesis T-shirt.
> look at front
You examine your Nemesis T-shirt:
[... come & see it for yourself ... ;-) ]
Or much better: GET a REAL ONE! And examine it! ;-)
October 3rd 2017:
Since the resurrection of Nemesis in 2015
really a lot has changed. That's why the display department in the cellar of
the town hall in Nemesis Village (below the Nemesis Information
Centre east of the village church) is open now to give some brief hints about
the most fundamental and/or useful changes, developments and new features
in and of Nemesis.
Beware of the wobbling staircase and the leopard! ;-)
The What's New bulletin board there is also accessible via
September 3rd 2017:
Finally, the information bulletin board in
the Nemesis Information Centre east from the church in Nemesis
Village got revised. Falbala and
Kiri checked the old notes, put some
of them in a garbage bin and rearranged the rest. Now all is up-to-date again
and it is a good starting point!
But fresh adventurers should consider to read at least one note on the
bulletin board directly in the Information Centre in Nemesis Village! ;-)
And if you are new to MUDding, you should have a closer look at
"How to start - Some useful hints for really
utter novices"!
Btw: Some other bulletin boards from within
Nemesis are available for reading on the LPC based
part of this server, too.
August 24th 2017:
Wastl's boardreader is active in
Nemesis: Now wizards can read and post notes
on many bulletin boards within Nemesis no matter where they are.
They can subscribe to some of them and get informed when there are new notes
on "their" boards. Boardreaders are available via the dispensers
for wizard tools in every well-furnished wizard's workroom.
There is another tool for wizards available -
also via the dispensers. The reader's viewer is intended for proof reading of
room descriptions and room items etc.: It displays all accessible information
as far as it is possible to get it without reading files but calling functions
in rooms. With ANSI support enabled the
information is displayed in different colours for better reading.
August 2nd 2017:
Press report: The Nemesian Shipowners Association (NSA) has founded a joint
venture together with a currently unknown partner and has started a travel
agency with this partner. At the press conference in the agency on Sun Alley
in Nemesis Village the very well-known Mr Thunken
Shybs, still vice-president of Royal Lines Plc. in Garham (owner of
"Princess of the Seas" & "Queen of the Seas") and still 5th
spokesman of the NSA, was again very happy that again he had something to say:
"This travel agency makes us again really proud: after long negotiations
between the dignified members of the NSA, the Nemesian Shipowners Association,
the new agency has some very special offers:
- First of all we not only sell tickets for our ships here, but also sell
discounted tickets for most of our ships!
- For more comfort there are these new complete tour tickets, e.g.
the Slayer's Tour to Orchland.
- And with our new return tickets you make a snatch on such a tour!
- Ahh, yess, the tickets for our specials and our tours look a bit
different compared to our standard tickets. For example here you see a
ticket for the Slayer's Tour and a return ticket for the Slayer's Tour:
Mr Shybs shows his ticket to you:
| N emesian the Princess of the Seas |
| S hipowners 30 gold coins OR |
| A ssociation the Queen of the Seas |
| -----------------------------|
| Slayer's Tour the schooner `Sprayweaver' |
Mr Shybs shows his ticket to you:
| N emesian the Princess of the Seas |
| S hipowners 54 gold coins OR |
| A ssociation the Queen of the Seas |
| -----------------------------|
| Slayer's Tour the schooner `Sprayweaver' |
| -----------------------------|
| the schooner `Sprayweaver' |
| -----------------------------|
| the Princess of the Seas |
| OR |
| the Queen of the Seas |
Mr Shybs points at the travel agent.
- This young guy also offers our new OR tickets. These OR tickets are
for any ship on a specific route - here is one for the Royal Round:
Mr Shybs shows his ticket to you:
| N emesian the Princess of the Seas |
| S hipowners 14 gold coins OR |
| A ssociation the Queen of the Seas |
| |
| Royal Round |
- Further on we are very proud that Captain Carrot is aboard, too.
Also tickets for his Eggshell are offerd here! Unfortunately Captain Carrot
is not here today. I assume he is busy sailing and singing. Oh well,
does anybody know his daily route?
We, the Royal Lines Plc. and the other dignified members of the Nemesian
Shipowners Association, hope you enjoy travelling on our beautiful ships -
especially with our new offers."
We thank Mr Shybs for his saying. Additionally we would like to mention
that all tickets are transferable to other persons - they are not personalized.
They can also be sold (and bought) in shops - even if already partially used.
Better 'browse' it if you want to buy one in a
shop. But who is that ominous partner of this joint venture? A new player
in public transport? Mr Shybs did not say one word about it :-(
And now he's gone ...
July 27th 2017:
Sorry for the inconvenience: The code to add the default setup for colours
to the adventurers' and wizards' data (see 'help
ansi' and 'help set') got broken.
The code has to handle a lot: adding the setup to characters who existed
before the implementation of colours, correcting
a "wrong approach" to store the data, if the character has already
a setup for the colour support, but with this "wrong approach"
plus keeping the already changed settings and finally setting up the
defaults for new characters. Unfortunately due to a buggy fix all characters
who logged in while this "fix" was active lost their already
modified setup. Really sorry for this! :-(
But lastly - thanks to 'modernise' - all
adventurers could get a new fixed "body" while playing :-D
June 26th 2017:
The new project Bring life back to
MUDs (BLBTM) on facebook lists Nemesis as one of the first MUDs
after contacting Snake:
"Nemesis Mud".
June 17th 2017:
A new tool for wizards is available: the reader's viewer coded by
Kiri is intended for proofreading rooms
as it displays lots of information of/in rooms as long descriptions, day and
night descriptions and room items (also standard, day and night) etc..
In auto-mode the reader's viewer shows all this information automatically
for every room when you walk around. Technically this is based on the
follower system also used by the command
'follow'. The reader's viewer can be
obtained from the dispensers for wizard tools and also
test characters
of wizards can use it.
May 3rd 2017:
Finally, the last bugs are fixed in the follower system -
Venty discovered at least one at the
VCFe 18.0
;-) So it is definitly about time to put a note
here - especially as the help page is also written meanwhile:
'help follow' ;-)
But this follower system can do more ... :-D Hopefully coming soon ...
April 29th - May 1st 2017:
Nemesis was presented at the Vintage Computer
Festival Europa 18.0 (VCFe) in
Munich, Germany! Again there was a tournament: the two adventurers who have
gained the most experience points (XPs)
at the VCFe won a real
Nemesis T-shirt each! The results are listed in the Nemesis
Information Centre east from the village church in Nemesis Village.
The new location of the VCFe,
the Kulturzentrum
Trudering (arts centre in Trudering, a city district of Munich), is really
great: The building is modern and new, the hall, where the exhibition was, is
The power supply is adequate - no blackouts! ;-) We had less work preparing
the room. And a curry house called
Taj" is just opposite the hall offering fine food!
Hans, the Master of VCFe, really
did a good job finding this location!
April 26th 2017:
Kiri picked the
lately ordered and
now finished
Nemesis T-shirts up at
A&J Textilwerbung GmbH.
YOUR orders, please!
April 25th 2017:
Preparing for the VCFe 18.0:
The lately ordered
Nemesis T-shirts are ready.
April 23rd 2027, just after midnight:
The bunnies carrying baskets disappeared ...
but perhaps there are some eggs left ... somewhere ;-) ...
April 16th 2017, aka Easter Sunday, sometime after 0:00h CEST:
In-game Event: Easter
Bunny Invasion! Still mysterious seasonal behaviour of bunnies:
8 Nemesian years of scientific research have
only shown that there will be a phase of odd behaviour of bunnies again quite
Prof. Bonny van Easten, head of the Department of Biology, University
of Skara Brae, has found definitely non-ambiguous
evidence that a vast quantity of adult bunnies carrying baskets will enter a
certain ship named Eggshell (a real cockleshell) at Bunny Bay sometime after
midnight on Easter Sunday, 2017, Munich time. One part of the herd
will then leave the ship at the harbour of Nemesis Village and invade
South Nemesia, while the others will do so at the
harbour of Planeland. - Exactly that happened about 8
Nemesian years before. But why are the droppings the bunnies loose during
this phase so different from the ones they usually drop...?
As Prof. Bonny van Easten and her department are still at their wit's
end, she decided to team up with some other scientists and try an
approach for multidisciplinarity.
For further information see: 'help egg-hunt'
and here.
Very important but also very blatant for the egg hunt: the command 'search'!
See 'help search' and also
here about 'search'.
April 13th 2017:
Kiri has placed a new order of
Nemesis T-shirts at
A&J Textilwerbung GmbH,
April 7th 2017:
Hans, the Master of VCFe, has put
our registration text for
the Vintage Computer Festival Europa 18.0 (VCFe)
April 5th 2017:
Preparations for the VCFe 18.0 go on:
Now we have some quick documentation for
the GSG15VT terminals :-)
Hopefully both GSG15s, Snake's and
Kiri's, will be usable with a
MUD client there this year.
And Snake wants to check his
NeXT soon.
April 1st 2017:
Sorry for the unplanned outage on Saturday morning :-( But, ey, Nemesis
was running throughout 120 days - due to a cyber attack the last restart was
on December 1st last year! :-D
On April 1st a process on the server, where Nemesis' virtual host
lives, went berserk. After we had recognised this,
Snake also upgraded the
operating system (FreeBSD) as
Nemesis had crashed anyway due to the massive overload.
Best opportunity to do this!
March 26th 2017:
The wizard Metall's talk
"Nemesis - ein typisches MUD
im Deutschland der Neunziger" (PDF, German only, "Nemesis
- a typical MUD in Germany in the 1990s") on the history of MUDs
in general, as well as the development of Nemesis is now available
on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsvG5MjoqcE - unfortunately the recording is not
complete :-( The video was made at the
6.0 at the Hochschule Augsburg (University
of Applied Sciences Augsburg) in Augsburg, Germany, in November 2015.
Thanks to BaGgAcFrEaK
for posting the video on his playlist
und Konsolensachen". The manuscript of
Metall's talk is available in the
Publications section of the
Nemesis Download Area.
January 21st 2017:
26 years of Nemesis - Birthday Celebration virtually in
Nemesis and RL.
The wizards Metall,
Teddy and
came together at Kiri's and
Wastl's court in Villa Pasingas.
Also in every respect young players were present and some people joined in
January 18th 2017:
From now on players (and
wizards) can stay in Nemesis disconnected and
retain the equipment as long as they like! Well, ok, until the next
restart of the game. We are working on this, too! :-)
You simply have to interrupt your session to Nemesis by
disconnecting - either by the command
'disconnect' (see
'help disconnect' within Nemesis) or
from your MUD client.
But keep in mind that 'quit' still is quitting the
game with loosing your equipment and next time entering Nemesis in the
village church - see also 'help quit'!
December 10th 2016:
Now that the generic shop system has been revised a bit, players can 'browse'
the items available in the shops: before you buy some stuff, you can have a
close look at it:
> browse shield
You have a closer look at the shield of hydes:
A shield composed of many layers of hydes wraped over and over upon
itself. Traditionally worn by orcs, it is a mighty shield blocking
countless blows offered by enemies. By the slashes upon it's face,
you percieve that it was an item of great importance.
Mr Olstoff will charge you 200 coins for the shield of hydes.
Also the output of 'list' got modified for better readability:
> list type boots
A pair of climbing boots.....200 coins | A pair of leather boots......350 coins
A pair of sollerets..........500 coins | Cloth and leather buskins....300 coins
A pair of spiked heels.......400 coins | A pair of flip-flops..........40 coins
The appropriate commands in shops support numbering - see
'help numbering'.
Additional information for wizards:
An option to name the shopkeeper has been added - see above: "Mr Olstoff
will charge you ...". The 'sell' and store mechanism has been completely
rewritten, so selling containers with content is handled predictably no matter
what the content is and no matter how deep any content is tucked into one
another. Further on, "lost storage rooms" (storages after reloading
the corresponding shop) cram their range of goods at
reset and
clean_up into the new storage - without
duplicates. There always is exactly one torch available - wet torches are dried
;-) And some minor bugs have been fixed in obj/shop and obj/storage. The exit
'out' in the storage has been fixed before in April 2015 to lead to the
corresponding shop.
December 6th 2016:
Continuing the new tradition celebrating
RL events and happenings
during the cycle of the year in Nemesis, we have to say: it's Christmas
time! ;-)
The public relations officer of "The Famous Nameless Pub" in Nemesis
Village hired Harry the affectionate for a seasonal job. Nowadays too
many adventurers prefer "Amylaar's tavern"!
The archwizard Teddy committed himself
to persuade Harry and then equipped him with the proper outfit.
And Harry started about 0:30h CET (UTC/GMT: 11:30pm on December 5th)
and did a heck of a job - till December 27th!
He always was busy somewhere in the Village or at the Harbour of
Nemesis Village (West Harbour) when following his beloved Susan
again ...
And he didn't stumble over the Chrismast tree on the Village Green
in front of the church! It was decorated so festively!
November 28th 2016:
Digging in some archeological bits while searching something completely
different (thanks to the adventurer Spam)
Kiri discovered the oldest
log file entries still existing. He has found them in the full tape backup
Snake did in
January 1994 after Nemesis had to go
down at the Technical University of Munich
These are the oldest dateable traces we have found so far.
Additionally the last log entries written at the
TUM were found: Armageddon was on
January 21st 1994.
November 12th 2016:
Now we block multiple logins from the same IP address on port 23
(traditional 'telnet' port - see 'help connect')
while still in "Logon" state (no name entered yet). There were too
many login attempts from infected fridges, TV sets, etc. ... ;-)
BTW adventurers / players
no longer get these "Logons" in 'who'
anyway - the same as in the web version of
LPC based part of this server.
October 23rd 2016:
The new reporting of bugs, typos and ideas coded by
Wastl is active - see
'help bug', 'help typo'
and 'help idea'.
September 15th 2016:
The manual page for
"curse_string" for coding colours etc.
is available. Please ALWAYS use this simulated efun
to create colours etc.! And NOT the ANSI escape sequences directly as they are
in /include/ansi.h.
September 7th 2016:
After a final bug fix (sorry!) the first step has been taken to put some
colour into
Nemesis: After the planned outage on September
3rd the first real
ANSI colour
support in Nemesis is active! It also supports escape sequences for
bold, underlining and
blinking. Now the "obvious
exits" in room descriptions are tagged green
bold. And important messages for you - as the case may be - will
be written in red bold.
But all this is customizable according to your wishes! :-)
And now also the help pages are available respectively
adapted - please see 'help ansi' and
'help set' - sorry for the short delay.
Addendum for wizards / coders:
meanwhile a manual page about
the ancient simulated efun
"curse_string" - greetings
to lynX - is available! Back in the days
it was used nowhere (no MUD had colours at that time) and now
Wastl pimped it.
September 3rd 2016, 14:00h - 16:00h CEST:
Planned Outage: On Saturday Snake
upgraded the operating system of the host, Nemesis lives, to the
latest production release of FreeBSD.
Further on a new version of our special Nemesis GameDriver was activated.
Please excuse for the downtime! This was originally planned for August 27th.
August 12th 2016:
The Tutorial of Advanced Room Programming is now
revised. New and old wizards / coders should have a
look at it - especially wizards from the old days at the
last page: Addendum 2016 - Changes, Fixes,
Perspectives. New wizards should read it completely ;-)
August 9th 2016:
A new issue of The Nemesis News, remember: the
newspaper (not the colourful magazine!), has been just released -
as planned!
Within Nemesis it can be bought in all branches of the Nemesis
Press Agency (npa) and at the kiosk near the Waste Harbour. These branches
of the Nemesis Press Agency (npa) are in Garham (main branch), in
Skara Brae, in Rafau and in
Faroul's shopping centre. By the way the
former agency in Nemesis Village moved to Skara
Brae after the Great Earthquake in
Whispering Bird 1413 (July 2015). But perhaps
it is worth to visit it nevertheless.
Also available for reading on the LPC based part of this
server: https://nemesis.de/lpc/npa/1.
August 5th 2016:
Sorry, we kept you waiting for news for so long... But we haven't been
twiddling our thumbs - in fact we have been really productive:
- First, there is a very special new feature: Nowadays adventurers stay
connected for weeks or they disconnect just over night and reconnect the
next day. On the other hand, new features are added continuously and old
bugs are fixed in the so-called obj/player. Without quitting adventurers
kept their "old" bodies so far - without the new features, without current
bug fixes. So, the need came up for an alternative way of getting a new
body according to the current version instead of having to
'quit'. So, we created the modernisation -
see 'help modernise'.
- Sounds a bit contradictory in this case but the new Cemetery in
Nemesis Village is live! Wastl
and Kiri put some nice new stuff into
it and hid even historic details about the old cemetery in the new one.
Addendum: Also have a look at Falbala's
Cemetery Talk in the the new
issue of The Nemesis News.
- Woofie the Great Woof
once created the Giant Tree, which is now part of the Village
Domain. Falbala and
Kiri filled it with some more inhabitants
and lots of new things - some of them really useful. Also
Dagobert, the youngest wizard in
Nemesis, contributed some code.
- Furthermore the Pit of Sacrifice in the Church of Nemesis Village,
once constructed by Metall the Evil
Numbskull, has been revised now by
Wastl, who
implemented new features. Some of them based on
Metall's former ideas, which then had
been hard to realise considering the coding techniques of these days.
- Some spectacular changes have also taken place in the ancient room of
quests in the basement of the church: it's been turned into an
archaeological excavation site! For more details and how a visit there
can really pay off, see Falbala's
interview in the new issue of
The Nemesis News with Prof.
Archibald Olstoff (links added after the new issue was published).
- The first big project of our youngest wizard
Dagobert is completed: He
revised Penguin's Point in the Ice Domain with a little help of
Teddy and
- The second youngest wizard in Nemesis,
Wastl, has also been very productive:
he has already been mentioned a couple of times above, but there is even
more to come soon...
- Some bulletin boards from within Nemesis
are now available for reading on the LPC based part of this
- And finally, the work on the persistence of adventurers' inventory
still advances: More and more generic objects get the functionality to
save their values and to re-create them from these values in case of
a restart of Nemesis.
May 24th 2016:
The Nemesis News, a newspaper in Nemesis,
got prepared for new issues. All (further) issues will be available via
the LPC based part of this webserver, too:
The Nemesis News. Currently we are collecting
articles for a new issue ...
May 2nd 2016:
All new players/characters created on the
ancient DECstation 5000/200 - the local
entity on the VCFe - have been copied to the real Nemesis as
promised. Welcome, new adventurers, and happy playing :-)
April 30th - May 1st 2016:
Nemesis was presented at the
Vintage Computer Festival Europa 17.0 (VCFe) in
Munich, Germany! The ancient DECstation 5000/200
was with us at the VCFe!
The results of the Nemesis tournament (at the VCFe) are shown in the
Nemesis Information Centre east from the church in Nemesis
Meanwhile the winners have got their Nemesis
Addendum: During the VCFe an invasion of mice and rats has overrun
Nemesis Village - in both world: the real
Nemesis and the local entity on the ancient
DECstation 5000/200 at the VCFe.
April 13th 2016:
There was a problem with uploading files to a wizard's home directory via MudFM.
This has been fixed now. It works.
Don't know what MudFM is? See 'man mudfm',
the MudFM login page and about
the development.
April 4th 2016, sometime after 0:00h CEST:
The mysterious invasion of bunnies has come to the
end: almost 4.200 eggs were hunted on Planeland and in and around
Nemesis Village!
April 2nd 2016, 5:57h CEST:
Schorsch the brezenreiter appeared the first time in Nemesis Village:
> Schorsch rides in.
> look
This is the southeastern corner of the Central Square of the village.
In the midst of the square there is a beautiful roman fountain.
Through a narrow passage you can see the Famous Nameless Pub to the
southeast as you are standing a few meters in front of the northern
entrance of the town hall.
There are four obvious exits: north, west, south and southeast.
Schorsch the brezenreiter.
A beggar.
A lantern.
> look at schorsch
This is Schorsch, the Munich Brezen Rider, on his horse serving free Brezen
(pretzels) holding up an old Munich tradition from 1318. In earlier times the
Brezen were for the poor only, but Schorsch is giving them to all Nemesians.
For more Info see: http://www.munichfound.com/article/brezenrider/
Schorsch is in good shape.
> Schorsch gives a pretzel to you.
> look at pretzel
You examine your pretzel:
A delicious looking bavarian pretzel.
> eat pretzel
Schorsch will return every year on June 24th and every Nemesian year on
Blue Moon 6th and always stay for about 24h
April 1st 2016:
Now the new
by Falbala also is available
in HTML. See also here.
March 27th 2016, aka Easter Sunday, sometime after 0:00h CET:
The mysterious seasonal behaviour of bunnies
has begun ... and will last until April 4th 2016 sometime after midnight!
March 22nd 2016:
SUPER HOT! Our brand new Web Client
is online and fully operational! It connects you encrypted and secured
(via HTTPS)
to Nemesis and offers "command history" plus
"command-line-editing" with your cursor keys.
Snake made it and finished the
first version of our Web Client!
This is a real alternative to "raw 'telnet'" ;-)
March 21st 2016:
"How to start - Some useful hints
for really utter novices" (PDF, English):
the new introduction to play Nemesis written by
is available in our Download section.
Addendum: Now also as HTML version available.
March 15th 2016:
Press report: Prof. Bonny van Easten, head of the Department of Biology at the
University of Skara Brae has just released the results
of her field research on the mysterious seasonal behaviour of bunnies:
A vast quantity - to be exact, the scientifically proven number of
3,794.287 in all (as of today, Nemesis time 14:54:32) and rising
exponentially - of adult bunnies carrying baskets has been observed
loafing near the jetty of Bunny Bay. Predictions based on stochastic
evaluation state that the bunnies will enter a certain ship named
Eggshell (a real cockleshell) sometime after midnight on Easter Sunday,
2016, Munich time. One part of the herd will then leave the ship at the
harbour of Nemesis Village and invade South
Nemesia, while the others
will do so at the harbour of Planeland.
What the bunnies are up to exactly, and which role the baskets play in
this scenario - we probably shall not know before then... scientists are
at their wit's end!
Prof. Bonny van Easten has performed an extraordinary service to Nemesis
as a Cognitive Biologist, having conducted several scientific studies
favouring a computational and information-processing approach to encoding
and decoding biological phenomena.
More "technical" details can be found
here! And
'help search' might be useful, too ;-)
March 8th 2016:
Dagobert, the youngest wizard in
Nemesis ever, has been born!
March 1st 2016:
After the new numbering of items, now adventurers can
search all and everywhere: You can search
items you carry (see 'help inventory'),
items in the room you are in and items mentioned in the description of the
room (so-called room items).
See 'help search'.
February 26th 2016:
Finally we have a much nicer and shorter address on facebook:
Since September 2015 Nemesis is online
on facebook.
Note: It was not so easy to find an address facebook accepts: we don't know
why they reject addresses with "nemesis" in it :-(
February 17th 2016:
A newly developed lfun in obj/living fixes
a very old problem. But now you can 'examine'
an item in the room if you have an item with the same name. E.g. you can
examine the ring fixed to the wall in the ancient mines on Planeland, even
if you have a ring - simply use 'examine
ring 2' (or 'look at ring 2'). This new
numbering also works with 'get',
'put' and other commands - also with containers
like bags (e.g. 'get torch 2 from bag 3' if you have two bags and there is a
third bag in the room). For more details see
'help numbering'. With this feature we
abolish the old restrictions, that numbering of items only works within ONE
"inventory", the adventurer's/player's
'inventory', the "inventory" of a container
or a room. And we expand the numbering of items to so-called room items,
items only mentioned in the description of a room.
February 9th 2016:
Press report: After almost 8 Nemesian years
of hard work on the management floors the NSA (Nemesian Shipowners Association)
has accomplished its mission: Within a few Nemesian weeks (about one week in
RL) the complete
deep-sea navigation has been reorganized including all ships. Again Mr
Thunken Shybs, vice-president of Royal Lines Plc. and
still 5th spokesman of the NSA, had something to say: "We are very proud
that our 8 years ago specified targets to improve the
services on our vessels now are fully fulfiled. These plans were:
- Full view over the ocean on all on-deck rooms on all ships of our
dignified members - simply by 'look'ing.
And you will recognise when the outlook changes. Now you see which coast line
you pass, where the ship docks next before reaching the harbour and so on.
Mr Shybs shows his magic moving photo to you:
> look
This is the deck of the frigate. The bridge is in the stern. If the ship
docks in a haven you can leave the ship here. You are sailing out in the
sea. You see Morafeh Island to the southeast and to the south.
There is one obvious exit: stern.
You see unknown land to the west and to the northwest.
You see unknown land to the northwest.
The ship sails towards east harbour.
You see Nemesia to the southwest and to the northwest.
You see the Queen of the Seas.
You see the Queen of the Seas sailing east.
You arrive at east harbour.
You see the Queen of the Seas.
> look
This is the deck of the frigate. The bridge is in the stern. If the ship
docks in a haven you can leave the ship here. You are docking in east
harbour. You can leave the Princess of the Seas now. There is the Queen of
the Seas outside.
There is one obvious exit: stern.
The experience is more detailed compared to the old 'look at sea' or
'examine sea', that you still can do.
Unfortunately but logically you can not see most of it by night or in bad
weather. Though I can tell you the view is really great on our ships.
- When a vessel is docked in a haven, now you can 'look at haven' or
'examine port'. So you get an impression what's going on in a harbour, even
before you leave a ship.
Mr Shybs shows his magic moving photo to you:
> look
This is the deck of the frigate called `Queen'. The bridge is in the stern
of the ship. If the ship docks in a haven you can leave the ship here.
You are docking in Garham Haven. You can leave the Queen of the Seas now.
There is one obvious exit: stern.
> look at harbour
Ashore the sky is clear except for a few clouds.
You are in the small haven of Garham. You smell the fresh and salty air
coming from the ocean to the west. To the east are the first houses of
Garham Village.
There is one obvious exit: east.
A table of the ships.
A city guard.
A lantern spreads a soft light over Garham Haven.
- Also very important for our customers are our new tables of the ships.
One little problem are the gulls in most harbours.
Mr Shybs shows his photo to you:
| Destination Ship Departure Price |
| Morafeh Island The Queen of the Seas 00:32 15 coins |
| Garham Haven The Princess of the Seas 01:21 15 coins |
| Please Don't Feed The Gulls |
@/|*/ *| | *
|\|/ \ |/
Keep in mind: Please don't feed them!
- Last but not least - only briefly as we think this is not SO important
because our ships are well-insured: all ships have become much safer.
We, the Royal Lines Plc. based in Garham and the other members of the NSA,
hope you enjoy travelling on our beautiful ships with our new services."
We thank Mr Shybs for his saying. Additionally we would like to mention that
the well-known wizards Kiri the Bald and
Wastl the title less joined the NSA with
their new yacht 'Hades' to keep an eye on those guys of the NSA. The dayage
in most harbours is lower for members of the Nemesian Shipowners Association.
For adventurers
it is important to know that the 'Hades' is not part of the Nemesian public
transport system. But you can explore the 'Hades' if you discover her
in any harbour. Her home port is the Waste Harbour south of Nemesis
Summary / cleartext: The complete management of ships sailing across the
world of Nemesis has been rewritten by
Wastl in coordination with
and all
ships have got revised (also by Wastl and
Kiri) to comply with new features.
For wizards: now there is the generic object
obj/ship_room for rooms on ships on deck additionally to obj/ship for
the bridge (main control room of a specific ship). Have a look at an on-deck
room of an existing ship and use '#include <ship_room.h>'.
February 6th 2016:
Snake upgraded
the operating system of the host, Nemesis lives on, to the latest
production release of FreeBSD.
Please excuse for the downtime! Thank you,
Snake! Also this has to be done!
January 27th 2016:
As planned:
The new Nemesis
lists are fully active & ready for your subscriptions. You can
subscribe to
them within Nemesis.
See also: 'help email',
email address validation and
new mailing list subscription within Nemesis.
January 26th 2016:
Worldwide postal services got pimped: For adventurers
this means really fast and cheap communication, e.g. between
Skara Brae in
South Nemesia and the island of Norstroe. Have a
look on the map of the world of Nemesis.
As a new generic object (obj/postoffice)
is available, wizards
(coders) should '#include <postoffice.h>' additionally to
"room2.h" to create a post office
in their area. Now all existing post offices (listed in all offices) use
the new generic object and are fully operational.
January 25th 2016:
Our new test MUD is up & running:
- see also here and wizards'
'help NemTest'! Nemesis' wizards
and their testplayers have access.
IMPORTANT: The Nemesis test MUD is not for playing! It can crash or restart anytime as it also is for development and testing of new GameDrivers
January 24th 2016:
Now they are complete: All help pages of the
Adventurers' Help (inside
Nemesis via 'help') are revised. For
Falbala (meanwhile
she "wizzed")
and Kiri it took a while checking the
textual correctness, hunting "bad English" and typos, changing to a
uniform layout and writing missing help pages.
January 23rd 2016:
We had a wizard conference at Kiri's place,
discussing a lot of game code topics:
- New Nemesis
lists are coming soon - see also
'help mailing-lists',
'help email',
mailing list subscription within Nemesis and
email address validation.
Addendum: Meanwhile the mailing lists are ready
& open for your subscriptions!
- Version control for the GameDriver needed, as
Teddy supplied his first patches for the
GameDriver, the WorldSimulater.
- Starting a test MUD (a copy of Nemesis in its current state for
testing dangerous/potentially crashy GameDriver and MudLib changes): Coming very
soon ... and UP!
- Maybe shuffle around and exchange some quests.
- Persistent objects!!! This is super important, as modern players are
used to retaining their inventory (armour, weapons, loot, clothing etc.)
when they log out (without having to go to the in-game pawnshop or store),
or if the game should crash.The Gods and high-lev wizards are checking out
some code to safely store player items and properties. These days, RAM,
read/write speeds, storage space no longer limit us.
Present wizards: Metall,
Myrnek and
Wastl and
Kiri, both as host.
January 22nd 2016:
The new
list management within Nemesis is ready: With a
validated email address
(see also 'help email') players and wizards
can 'subscribe'/'unsubscribe'
to the new mailing lists from inside Nemesis. See also
Addendum: Since January 27th 2016 the mailing lists are
ready & open for your subscriptions!
January 20th 2016:
Somehow a "twin birth" of wizards:
Falbala the fresh
wizardess (satanic - of course) and
Wastl the title less (without an
January 6th 2016:
New simulated efun available:
January 5th 2016:
Press report: The members of the Nemesian Shipowners Association (NSA)
agreed on a new uniform design for their ship tickets. Mr Thunken Shybs,
of Royal Lines Plc. based in Garham (owner of "Princess of the Seas"
& "Queen of the Seas") and 5th spokesman of the NSA, declared:
"To prevent further falsifications of tickets, a decision had to be
made. The loss of sales would have been enormous! Not to mention profit
To avoid trouble with other shipowners, we show a ticket (here a used one)
from the Northern Sea Inc.:
The journalist shows her ticket to you:
.______________________________ ___________.
| N emesian \ / |
| S hipowners 30 gold c\ /s |
| A ssociation V |
| | |
| the Leif Erikson Drakkar |
So, if someone offers you a passage on a ship and the ticket doesn't look like
our sample, please don't hesitate: Contact any sheriff's office,
e.g. in Nemesis Village.
See also: NSA founded and
new deep-sea navigation.
January 4th 2016:
Hence Nemesis asks you to validate your email address stored in
Nemesis: When logging in again from now on, once every player and
wizard gets a "Welcome back email" (new adventurers/players get a
"Welcome mail") if there is an address stored. By clicking the
link in this "Welcome mail" you validate your address stored inside
Nemesis. Changing the stored address within Nemesis also
initiates the validation procedure (see also 'help
email'). With this process we make preparations
for our new Nemesis mailing lists
coming soon (see also mailing list management,
meeting and
activation): It's our
opt-in" (DOI).
Once more Nemesis takes a step to more data integrity and against abuse.
Other aspects for more security, data privacy & data integrity
Nemesis offers:
playing Nemesis secure and encrypted via SSL/TLS,
HTTPS for our website and especially for MudFM
and data privacy within Nemesis.
By the way also this feature was implemented via the LPC based
part of this webserver.
December 30th 2015:
New simulated efuns available:
valid_name and
December 29th 2015:
Again some features have been added with MudFM version
(web-based MUD FileManager with editing etc.): (Reverse) sorting of directory
listings e.g. by modification date, and viewing the contents of archives
like .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 and .tgz files and extracting them directly
within MudFM. And finally viewing binary files like pictures (.jpg, .gif) and
PDFs if your browser can cope with those binary files or download them
if not.
In the old days wizards (coders) had to code within
Nemesis using ed, a line-based editor
without fullscreen mode or write the programs on their desktop locally and then
upload them via ftp or
mtp. Very funny while debugging ...
See also:
Wizards' Area and
man mudfm.
The development of MudFM:
The first version of MudFM,
download with MudFM,
the MudFM 'milestone' version and
full read/write access as inside Nemesis with
December 22nd 2015:
Now the new 'who' uses
the new simlulated efun
(now also with the wizards' 'who'):
> who
\ \
| Kiri the Bald (;-) |
| Teddy the bear (Mostly Harmless) |
| Angmar the wizard for tests (Mean) |
| Scumbag from very ancient times (Kiri's testwiz) |
| Falbala the master sorceress (satanic) |
| Sorak the master sorcerer (good) |
| Susan the witch (good) |
| Rueby the magician (evil) |
| Guestwitch the friendly visitor (curious) |
_____|_________________________________________________ |
/ / _ \|
( (((@)))
See here who's logged in now - via the
LPC based part of this server.
December 21st 2015:
New simulated efun
make_scroll coded:
From a few lines separated by newlines it creates nice "dynamic"
scrolls - see above 'who'.
December 20th 2015:
Some fixes and changes on the Nemesis
web pages are complete.
December 17th 2015:
And again more security & data privacy:
Now Nemesis offers a secure and encrypted option to connect:
Via port 2020 and port 20000 you can enter the
World of Nemesis using
See also: Connect section and
Links to MUD clients in the
Download section.
Other aspects of more security & data privacy:
validation of stored email addreses as
"Double opt-in" (DOI) for the
mailing lists,
HTTPS for our website and especially for MudFM (below)
and data privacy within Nemesis.
December 16th 2015:
Again improving security & data privacy:
By now the Nemesis pages are available
via HTTPS.
For security reasons "normal" HTTP requests to
MudFM are redirected to connect via HTTPS to
More about data privacy, data security & data integrity:
validation of stored email addreses as
"Double opt-in" (DOI) for the
mailing lists,
connecting to Nemesis via SSL/TLS (above) and
data privacy within Nemesis.
December 13th 2015:
SUPER HOT! And now we have MudFM 2.12
(web-based MUD FileManager with editing etc.): Now
via MudFM our wizards (coders) have the same read and
write access to files and directories as inside Nemesis. E.g. direct
editing of files in domain directories or log-files in /log/ via the
See also:
Wizards' Area and
man mudfm.
The development of MudFM:
The first version of MudFM,
download with MudFM and
the MudFM 'milestone' version
and the latest version of MudFM.
December 7th 2015:
The new pile of
RL Nemesis
T-shirts arrived at Kiri's court in Villa
Pasingas. All male sizes are available again!
December 3rd 2015:
The ordered pile of
RL Nemesis
T-shirt is ready. A&J
Textilwerbung GmbH, Munich/München, has been very fast.
Kiri will teleport them to his court
within the next few days.
December 1st 2015:
Now the Tutorial of Advanced Room
Programming (room2.h) is accessible more comfortable - in the
Documentation Area via the
LPC based part of this server.
November 30th 2015:
A new order for a new pile of
RL Nemesis
T-shirt was placed.
November 28th 2015:
Via the LPC based part of this
webserver, the NEW searchable
Players' Help is available - e.g. like
'help' or
'help look' inside
Nemesis. See also the
Adventurers' Area.
November 21st - 22nd 2015:
Nemesis was presented at the
RETROpulsiv 6.0 vintage computer meetup in Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany.
And again the ancient DECstation 5000/200
accompanied us - as at the VCFe 16.0 and the
XzentriX 2015. Two pictures are already
here on facebook.
More to come here soon, we hope.
November 20th 2015:
The wizard Metall's talk on the history
of MUDs in general, as well as the development of Nemesis
("Nemesis - ein typisches MUD
im Deutschland der Neunziger", PDF, German only, "Nemesis
- a typical MUD in Germany in the 1990s") now is online in our
Download section.
November 20th 2015:
Now some pictures from the
XzentriX 2015 where Nemesis was
presented are
November 20th 2015:
Two photos of the open DECstation are
November 18th 2015:
New 'who' available for
adventurers (players) in
> who
\ \
| Kiri the Bald (;-) |
| Teddy the bear (idle) |
| Scumbag from very ancient times (Kiri's testwiz) |
| Wastl the master sorcerer (evil) |
| Susan the witch (good) |
| Eknomukko the magician (idle) |
| Rueby the conjurer (nasty) |
_____|____________________________________________________ |
/ / _ \|
( (((@)))
And who is logged in now? See
November 18th 2015:
The Nemesis web page got some technical fixes and a favicon:

November 15th 2015:
Finally, the eyewitness report of
the great earthquake is online. See
September 4th - 6th 2015:
Nemesis was presented at the
XzentriX 2015 vintage computer meetup in Seeshaupt, Bavaria, Germany.
Again the ancient DECstation 5000/200
accompanied us - as at the VCFe 16.0! Some photos are
here or check
here on facebook!
September 4th 2015:
Nemesis is on facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nemesis-Multi-User-Dungeon/421102958087530! Do you like Nemesis?
Addendum: Since February 26th 2016 we have a shorter
facebook address: https://www.facebook.com/NemMUD.
August 21st 2015:
Meanwhile Kiri has got the
new pile of Nemesis T-shirts.
Today the pile was teleported from Kiri's
court in Villa Pasingas to
Metall's castle in Suuapinga.
The arrival was celebrated with real beer and some meat and sausages on the
grillage. Contact
[at] nemesis.de to order
yours! Check here if there are shirts available at
the moment! Prepare to wear!
August 11th 2015:
After a restart of the Nemesis-Gamedriver (GD), some bugs in the
GD are fixed now. And the new efun uptime() is active.
August 7th 2015:
New pile of
RL Nemesis
T-shirt ordered!!!
July 31st 2015:
The new sorted
command is fully active:
> inventory
Weapons: A vampire sword (wielded).
Armours: A junkmail (worn).
A black and green Nemesis T-shirt (worn).
Leonardo's blue bandanna (worn).
A mink fur (worn).
A pair of crab claws (worn).
A gold chain (worn).
A ring of protection (worn).
Cloth and leather buskins (worn).
A speaking earring (worn).
A golden watch (worn).
Misc: An alligator skin bag.
An alligator skin bag.
An alligator skin bag.
A palantir.
The old version is still available via 'inventory old' or 'i o'.
July 27th 2015:
Virtualised Nemesis T-shirts enhanced!
Check it out! And show it
to other adventurers!
Or much better: GET a REAL ONE! And show it to your
RL friends ;-)
Addendum: Again improved!
July 25th 2015:
Adventurers now can show what they have:
'show <item>' and 'show <item> to <person>' is active.
See also: help show!
July 18th 2015, 19:00h CEST:
A somehow very precisely forecasted earthquake took place in the
World of
Nemesis: The Nemesian Geological Association (NGA) predicted major
changes on Nemesia, the island of Nemesis Village, where most adventurers
start their expeditions.
Dr. Shakin Planit (NGA spokesman) reported all is well after the
The Island of Nemesia has changed quite a bit, and
new maps have
been drawn! See note of June 15th 2015 and the
preannouncement of the earthquake
published by the Nemesis Press Agency (npa)! Here is the eyewitness report.
July 5th 2015:
Now some maps from the World of
Nemesis are available on the LPC based part
of this webserver.
June 19th 2015:
Here comes MudFM 'milestone' version! Now in editing mode
with line numbering, "goto <line>",
"search&replace", etc. plus the "<TAB> problem"
is fixed. Currently beta-testing ... but looks fine!
See also:
Wizards' Area and
man mudfm.
The development of MudFM:
The first version of MudFM,
download with MudFM,
full read/write access as inside Nemesis with
and the latest version of MudFM.
June 18th 2015:
German Datenschutzerklärung
(data privacy statement) added.
June 15th 2015:
"Village Domain" officially founded by
and Kiri to revise the old Nemesis
In time statement:
Rumor will have it that great changes are happening on
Nemesia Island.
Members of the Nemesian Geological Association (NGA) based in
Skara Brae state
that the entire island no longer is stable and predict a huge earthquake hazard.
Upcoming changes will be major! The town crier of Nemesis Village has
been informed to announce current developments. ;-)
June 14th 2015:
The very old feature of the shops 'sell type from <container>' was
improved: Now it also works via 'sell all from <container>', e.g.
'sell all from bag'.
June 13th 2015:
Disconnect time increased to 2 days: Now players persist 2 days as statues in
Nemesis when they lose their connection. This means players can remain
logged into Nemesis without Internet connection to keep their equipment.
June 12th 2015:
The next RL wizard party and code chat in Munich. This time @
Metall's home. Photos coming soon.
June 11th 2015:
List of the Quests in
Nemesis added. This list also comes directly from within Nemesis -
via the LPC based part
of this web server.
June 11th 2015:
Result of the population census in
April 1993 added to History.
June 9th 2015:
Pictures from the
Vintage Computer Festival Europa 16.0
where Nemesis was presented are online.
June 3rd 2015:
A separate Press section has been added to the
About navigation bar.
June 1st 2015:
Simulated efun
added so game related data also of players and wizards, who are offline,
is fully accessable. Private data like
mail addresses is not accessible.
See also below:
May 29th 2015:
The level of data privacy has been increased: Now mail
addresses and realnames of
players and wizards are hidden. Only archwizards
(at least level 50)
have access to them.
Note: Optionally, players and wizards can leave a
mail address and their
realname. E.g. this mail
address is used by the
Password Reset Service.
Note: In the early 1990s data privacy was no problem at all.
See also: man
restore_object and
query_user_data (note above).
More about security & data privacy in Nemesis:
validation of stored email addreses as
"Double opt-in" (DOI) for the
mailing lists,
connecting to Nemesis via SSL/TLS and
HTTPS for our website and especially for MudFM.
May 12th 2015:
Enjoy the revamped Pool in Nemesis Village in the small yard in
front of the Famous Nameless Pub!
May 10th 2015:
Prepare to wear! As our T-shirts were great success at the
VCFe 16.0
(see photos)
"Virtual Merchandising" starts: In the Nemesis Information
Centre (east from church), in the 'Famous Nameless Pub' and at
'All the Stuff and More' (shop) in
Nemesis Village you can find piles of Nemesis T-shirts:
> look
This is the Nemesis Information Centre. Here you can obtain
valuable information about Nemesis and its rules, extensions etc.
Stairs are leading up to the town hall chambers.
There are four obvious exits: north, west, south and up.
A pile of Nemesis T-shirts.
A colourful magazine.
The information board.
A map of Nemesis Village.
A map of the known world.
> examine pile
It's a huge pile of Nemesis T-shirts.
Perhaps you can take one from the pile.
> get t-shirt from pile
You take the t-shirt from pile.
> examine t-shirt
The T-shirt is black, with green printings on it.
Examine the front or the back of it :-)
RealLife Nemesis T-shirts can be ordered from time to time.
See also: https://nemesis.de/#shirts !!!
> examine dragon
[... come & see it for yourself ... ;-) ]
> wear t-shirt
You wear a black and green Nemesis T-shirt.
> examine back
[... come & see it for yourself ... ;-) ]
Addendum: Enhanced (May 2015) and
improved (October 2017)!
May 3rd 2015:
User Statistics
are available via MRTG.
May 1st - 3rd 2015:
Nemesis was presented at the
Vintage Computer Festival Europa 16.0 (VCFe) in
Munich, Germany! The ancient DECstation 5000/200
accompanied us to the VCFe!
Addendum: Pictures!
April 29th 2015:
The Nemesis T-shirts for the "booth manning" of the
VCFe 16 plus special
pre-orders are ready! Prepare to wear! See
here for the current
status which sizes are available.
April 27th 2015:
The complete & searchable Nemesis
documentation got some bugfixes and some new features. And revision of the
complete /doc tree continues.
April 20th 2015:
The Nemesis T-shirts for the "booth manning" of the
VCFe are ordered. See
got them and here which
sizes are available now.
April 20th 2015:
The MudFM got a download feature!
Now Nemesis offers upload and download of files, editing and removing ...
all via HTTP.
See also:
Wizards' Area and
man mudfm.
The development of MudFM:
The first version of MudFM,
the 'milestone' version,
full read/write access as inside Nemesis with
and the latest version of MudFM!
April 19th 2015:
The ancient DECstation 5000/200 is completly
up & ready for the VCFe.
April 18th 2015:
The new HTTP MudFM (MUD FileManager)
is available via https://nemesis.de/files/!
See also:
Wizards' Area and
man mudfm.
The development of MudFM:
Download with MudFM,
the 'milestone' version,
full read/write access as inside Nemesis with
and the latest version of MudFM.
April 16th 2015:
The 1st step of the renovation of https://nemesis.de/
is done. Next steps will follow ...
April 14th 2015:
The complete & searchable Nemesis
documentation via the LPC based
part of the web server is fully active.
April 5th 2015:
Password Reset active: Password forgotten?
If you have a still valid e-mail address stored in Nemesis, you can
reset your password
As usual: (mostly) implemented in LPC via
Nemesis's builtin web server.
March 30th 2015:
Press report: In Norstroe Harbour the Nemesian shipowners agreed on
founding a guild: the Nemesian Shipowners Association (NSA). All
shipowners offering public transport in the world of
Nemesis joined the newly formed NSA to improve the services
on their vessels. The first step is that passengers get tickets when they
pay for the trip. In case of a maritime emergency these tickets enable the
rescue teams to salvage the passengers bringing them back to the starting
point of their journey. Further (real?) improvements are planned.
Addendum: See also: the new uniform design of the ship
March 24th 2015:
New MultiGuestLogins enabled - try login 'guest' -
see Connect.
March 16th 2015:
Last FTP quirks have been fixed.
March 13th 2015:
Physical meeting of wizards (and also some new adventurers) in Munich @
Home after many years. Many faces long time not seen each other.
Yep, there was party.
February 15th 2015:
As most browsers don't support the
gopher protocol
anymore (which was one of the predecessors of
and state of the art
when Nemesis had its high time), we're moving more and more of the gopher
stuff to the Nemesis's builtin web server
also written in LPC.
The old gopher server is still active:
(if you have a client/browser which supports it ;-) hint: the
OverbiteFF plugin
for Firefox & SeaMonkey works).
February 7th 2015:
Nemesis was moved to a new server at a computer center, and is completely
up & running now in virtual FreeBSD
machine, including Web and FTP server
(and also MTP, if you know what it is ;-) Hint: See
Download or man mtp.
For those of you who love German town names: the computer center is in
Unterschleissheim (fully correct: Unterschleißheim) - near Munich.
January 2015:
Based on a joke by Hans Franke, a computer collector, oldschool gamer and organizer of the annual Vintage Computer Festival Europa, Metall had the idea to present Nemesis and talk about MUDs in general at the 2015 event (VCFe 16).
And she wanted to have a live demonstration. Reason enough to get things fixed again. The backup was on a DLT tape this time, however no working DLT drive was available. Digging at Ebay solved this problem. After porting the code to make it compile on a current OS and compiler, Nemesis came up for a two week testing period.
And was before? Have a look at our History section!
Imprint / Impressum